The 23rd Biennial of Design (BIO 23) held by the Ljubljana Museum of Architecture and Design in Slovenia, was curated this year by Margo Konings and Margriet Vollenberg from Organisation in Design. Their chosen theme was: ‘Design Relations’ which addressed how designers and their works are influenced by modern technologies, digitalization and globalization, and how design is evolving.
From the works chosen by the curators for the exhibition at the biennial an international jury was asked to select the best designs from the past two years for the BIO 23 Awards. The members of the jury were Giulio Cappellini, Sven Jonke, Sophie Lovell, Jimmy MacDonald and Vasa J. Perović.
You can see a report on Slovenian national television here featuring interviews with the curators and jurors Sophie Lovell and Jimmy MacDonald – it is in Slovenian but the interviews are in English. For further information on the winners and the jury statement click here.
The show runs until 11th November 2012