form magazine

Sophie Lovell as Executive Editor of form

The bilingual German design magazine “form”, first published in 1957, gained a new owner and a new editorial team in 2012. As Executive Editor, Sophie Lovell brought in a more contemporary vision to the magazine’s content. From 2012 to 2013, she was instrumental in rethinking the magazine structure and shortlisting new designers for the magazine’s relaunch as well as concepting themes, co-commissioning and also writing content.

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The bilingual German design magazine “form”, first published in 1957, gained a new owner and a new editorial team in 2012. As Executive Editor, Sophie Lovell brought in a more contemporary vision to the magazine’s content. From 2012 to 2013, she was instrumental in rethinking the magazine structure and shortlisting new designers for the magazine’s relaunch as well as concepting themes, co-commissioning and also writing content.