The Logical Path

Interview with Temple Grandin for uncube magazine issue no. 30 "Animal House"

“Whatever your feelings about eating meat, with hundreds of thousands of beef cattle slaughtered every day for human consumption, we have the responsibility to ensure the animals we consume go to their deaths in an as humane, gentle and painless way as possible. The animal behaviourist Temple Grandin, well-known also as an eloquent spokesperson for autism from her personal experience as an autistic person, has perhaps done more than any other individual to ensure this is the case. Her way of thinking is one that not only cattle handlers could learn from.”

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For uncube magazine issue no. 30: “Animal House”, Sophie Lovell interviewed the legendary animal behaviourist and spokesperson for autism, Temple Grandin. “Whatever your feelings about eating meat, with hundreds of thousands of beef cattle slaughtered every day for human consumption, we have the responsibility to ensure the animals we consume go to their deaths in as humane, gentle and painless way as possible. The animal behaviourist Temple Grandin, well-known also as an eloquent spokesperson for autism from her personal experience as an autistic person, has perhaps done more than any other individual to ensure this is the case. Her way of thinking is one that not only cattle handlers could learn from…”

Read the full article and issue at