The Beige Debate

Sophie Lovell for For Scale

For Scale and Sophie Lovell go tone to tone on the topic of beige. “Beige is the ULTIMATE symbol of end-stage capitalism… It is the most dangerous colour of all. In the 2020s, beige sofas started to wriggle like articulated maggots across interior shots: all rounded edges for people who don’t want to adult. Beige-in-beige…

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For Scale and Sophie Lovell go tone to tone on the topic of beige.

“Beige is the ULTIMATE symbol of end-stage capitalism… It is the most dangerous colour of all. In the 2020s, beige sofas started to wriggle like articulated maggots across interior shots: all rounded edges for people who don’t want to adult. Beige-in-beige lounges are a desert landscape. A sterile void. It’s beige as denial, a massive, pouty, self-indulgent sulk in the face of change. It’s an end-of-days attitude loaded with indifference.”

Read the full debate here.